Digital transformation is everywhere. New technologies influence our day-to-day lives. Innovation impacts industries and this certainly goes for retail. But how to develop a holistic vision and deploy those innovations in going concern processes?
At The Ice Store we look at your business organisation model and solutions to make the change in retail happen.
Also, we connect suppliers with schools to help develop and implement the Interactive curriculum.
Thus, we support Strategic workforce planning.
The Ice Store (TIS) is a management consultancy firm in organisation development with a focus on IT and customer experience in retail.
We look both at the organisation and its ecosystem.
We focus on organisation design, redesign, business processes and change.
And sometimes we think of a solution ourselves - The Ice Mirror with add on The Interactive Hanger.
Our unique selling point is in online to offline solutions for shopping areas and commercial areas.
We offer innovations in an enterprise architecture model to support on premise stores.
Also, we offer learnings in an interactive curriculum for vocational retail courses and an o2o academy for retailers.
For this we partner with relevant suppliers.
We work with our own method to help organisations align with the platform economy -
Business operations in modular concepts.
In 2026 we will look into supporting retailers to improve productivity.
Smart solutions and improve productivity
In 2025 we look into supporting retailers to comply with the CSRD - the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and the CSDDD - the Corporate Sustainability Due Dilligence Directive.
Sustainable solutions in the supply chain
In 2024 we launched the Helpdesk on site, a support desk for shopping areas and commercial areas. Helpdesk on site works as a showroom and training facility for vocational retail courses including the Interactive curriculum. Focus is on electronic shelf labels, internet of things, narrowcasting and content creation. The Helpdesk on site is part of the interactive curriculum for retail courses: retail technology and digital transformation.
Helpdesk on site - The interactive curriculum
Program 2023 - The Ice Academy
In 2023 we focussed on The Ice Academy, connecting online and offline in retail. How to align business processes with the IT platform from a business management and organisation perspective?
Organisation development and information management for enterprise and retail college courses.
The Ice Academy - Job redesign
Program 2022 - Quality and SWP in shopping areas
In 2022 we focussed on the holistic approach in shopping areas - connecting technology and efficiency in work processes.
Quality management and Strategic workforce planning for shopping areas - Efficiency in retail
Program 2021 - The O2O jobbook for retail
In 2021 the program shifted to organisation development with o2o consultancy and eLearning in an o2o shopping area. From a background in Technology * Business models * Change, The Ice Store - o2o concepts works on interactive shopfitting and O2O job design as a service for retailers and property owners.
The O2O jobbook for retail - From work to digital work
Program 2020 - Retail as a service
B2B, D2C, B2B2C.... How to make all this work online to offline, what are the business models, how to address the change and how to design the jobs. We introduced o2o shop fitting and service solutions for mobile retail and retail property.
o2o shopfitting - The Mobile Customer Journey
Program 2019 - The O2O change
In 2019 we introduced our first retail concept centre and retail formula around the customer experience where customers choose how to engage and associates train how to help. Check out interactive Christmas fairs, interactive mannequins, and more solutions for malls and other shopping areas. How to make new technology work on site?
The change - The Ice Store and The Ice Academy
Program 2018 - Scan to buy
In 2018 we introduced our solutions with Scan to buy, with focus on new points of sale such as interactive mannequins, vending machines with robotics and unmanned 24/7 kiosks. On a greater scale we designed a Christmas fair (Het Kerstlint). Also, we continue our preparations for the 2019 Ice Store program, the 2020 Retail as a Service program and the 2021 o2o jobbook for retail program.
Scan to buy - QR, AR, VR
Program 2017 - The Ice Mirror
In 2017 we designed an interactive mirror with our mirror partner Oled Mirror TV and prepared our program around a set of concepts: Scan to buy, Window shopping, Fitting room PoS, and Shopping in Style. We work with retailers, brands, retail real estate owners, and communities such as shopping streets and municipalities. We have our own support programs for organisation development, human capital development and e-commerce marketing, aligning with change in organisations to optimise the O2O opportunities. Focus is on QR codes to connect online and offline, content management, and personas.
The Ice Mirror - Connecting online and offline on site
Founding the company
In 2017 The Ice Store o2o concepts started as Ice House Netherlands, the Dutch office of the mobile app and platform developer in Jakarta, the first Google certified agent in South East Asia. The Dutch office had a focus on e-commerce concepts that align with business models.
Technology * Business models * Change
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